Hi! Long time, no blog, I know. :( I don't know how much I mentioned this in previous posts, but I am currently laptop/computerless, which is why it's taking me forever to update my blog. I have to find people to upload stuff for me and that's kind of a hassle, so...sorry! Anyway, I have a haul video and some reviews to post, so I will be trying to get that up over the weekend!
The NARS Andy Warhol collection has been released...and I'm giddy with excitement. I don't know if I've ever talked about my huge love of Warhol and the Velvet Underground but...well, I love Warhol and the Velvet Underground! I would have liked if the collection had included Nico in it, but what can you do? Debbie Harry, Edie Sedgwick, and Candy Darling, who are all gorgeous people, are the three in the collection and I'm super excited for the Edie Sedgwick parts. She's one of my beauty and style muses, so I shrieked out loud when I found out about this collection, haha.
So, let's talk about
Influenster. This is a pretty cool site, y'all. And you don't need to be a big name blogger or vlogger to participate! Once you register, it's this interactive site where you can post reviews, read about new products, and interact w/ the brands via FB and Twitter.
You can try out for badges in things you're interested in (I've been working on the Beauty Badge and the cat lovers one, haha!) and work on improving your all-over score on the Influenster site. What is really neat is the Vox Boxes. They do all sorts, depending on your needs and interests and when you have certain badges and scores, they'll send you boxes of free (who doesn't like free??!) products to try. Most of these are full size or jumbo sample sizes!
So, basically, you can try new or nearly new products for free, which is neat as hell, because who doesn't like trying new stuff, right? Then you can post reviews, link your blog, and interact with other people.
A couple of other sites along similar veins would be
Klout and
Mylikes where you can get free perks or even get paid! And, again, you don't need to be anyone "special" to join - it's open to
I have some Maybelline stuff to talk about and new Hard Candy products, so stay tuned because I plan on posting that this weekend!