I digress - this blog post is going to be a review on a Physicians Formula product. Now, I want to STRESS - try and look for the peelie coupons on the product. Also, I usually only buy PF products when they're on sale because they can be pretty pricy, especially for drugstore. Also, it's a brand that, while being skin-friendly and innovative, isn't exactly FANTASTIC in terms of texture and pigmentation. My personal issue w/ PF lies in the fact that 95% of their products have shimmer. Which, considering this particular line is called 'Shimmer Strips', is, in this case, something that I'm well aware of. But even their other lines contain heavily shimmery products. I don't want a translucent setting powder that contains shimmer.
This is turning into a ridiculously long intro, so let's get on w/ it, yes?