Anyway, I LOVE liquid eyeliner pens. Love love love. I usually use the Physicians Formula one (review here because it works well enough for me (not the blackest black liner, but what I sacrifice in intensity, I gain in sheer ease of application, availability, and price). I actually took a break from gel liners when I started using liquid ones more, and now I use almost exclusively liquid liner. That being said, I jumped outta my skin when I heard about the Benefit one because HOW COOL? A GEL LINER PEN! Anyway, let's start this! This product retails for $24.
FTC Disclaimer: I received this product free, as a gratis sample from my job (I work at Ulta) for testing purposes. I am not affiliated with Benefit Cosmetics, I am receiving no compensation for this review, and this is not a sponsored post. All opinions are, as always, my own!